Our sweet Annie

Monday, August 24, 2009

Annie is changing so fast. We are having so much fun with her. She will be 9 months in a couple of days. She got her first 2 teeth about the same time last month. She sits and plays really well and a has been scooting around for a couple of weeks. A couple of days ago she started crawling. She hasn't done it much since the first day, but she does move all over the place mostly backwards. She can go from laying down to sitting up all by herself. I have been doing baby sign language to her and she will say all done when she is done eating and last night she waved bye bye to Grandma and Grandpa. She says dada, but I don't thinks she knows that it means daddy yet. Most everything she says starts with da. She saids diedie when she waves bye bye. Matt still can't keep his hands off her and she is starting to get annoyed by him. She pushes him away when he is in her face too much. She is such a pleasant little girl.


Suzanne said...

I can't believe I have only met her throught pictures so far!

Rachel said...

WOW! All I can say is WOW.