Matt's birthday party had we!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

You can imagine how proud Brandon was when Matt claimed he wanted to have a Star Wars themed birthday party. Both Brandon and I had a great time planning this party. Here are the invitations I made... I made Jedi vest out of brown felt and a rope to tie with and Brandon made light sabers out of PVC pipes, pool noodles and gray electrical tape. I gave Brandon the idea, but he perfected it, he was pretty particular about how it had to be done.

I wore my Princess Leia costume (oh sorry, no pictures) and Brandon wore his Han Solo. I did a training session with the kids, although as one kid (a Star Wars fan) pointed out that Princess Leia does not use a light saber or use the force. Like Princess Leia, I had no idea what I was doing, but the kids were all really excited to practice the moves I taught them anyway. Like a chop and a spin (true Star Wars lingo). Then we had a visit from Darth Vader.

Each kid took a turn to fight him.

Then we played "Master May I" (very similar to Mother May I). I was surprised that so many kids could be so good and excited to play. Only Matt's friend Rachel (far right) didn't know it was Brandon and was a little nervous to get closer. Brandon, uhhh I mean Darth Vader would say "All Padawans with blue light sabers take two giant steps, etc..." and they would say "Master May I?" and Vader would say "hhooooooo phoooooooooo yes you may".

We also had lunch, a pinata and Popsicles (no cake for Matt). A lot of the time the kids were just running around the yard fighting with their sabers. 20 kids with light sabers may not have been the best idea, but we only had a few minor incidents. Matt got a ton of fun gifts from his friends and I think fun was had by all. By the time is was over I was so tired (partly because I got up at 6am to run 9 miles, my half marathon is this coming Saturday).


Suzanne said...

Now THAT looks like a great party!

Deb said...

how fun! zach would've loved to be at that party! :)