Found Keys

Monday, March 24, 2008

Yeah!!!! I found the keys to my car. I was right about someone hiding them. I found them in the pocket of Matt's pants in the dirty clothes basket. Now where did he hide the other set?


Suzanne said...

Walker once put my car keys in one of those toys where the balls go in the top and roll down the chutes. I would have never found them if I hadn't asked him if he knew where they were.

I am glad you found one of the two sets. I hope the other set appears soon too.

Andrea said...

Did he do that on purpose!!?? So sneaky....
Glad you found them. Now you can come!

Sarah Hull said...

I am glad you found your keys.
Did you get my email about meeting for lunch tomorrow in Redlands? I know it is a long shot, but I thought I'd try.
Hope all is well.

Mandi said...

I was so worried about your keys. Glad you found them.