Praying Mantis

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Kate had a project for homework this week to make a 3D insect. She told me she wanted to do a praying mantis. I'm not sure where she even learned about them because they don't live here in California. I tried to talk her into something cuter and a lot easier, but to no avail. Once we started doing some research on the praying mantis I found that the female eats the male after they mate, so I liked them a little more. The project is suppose to be done as much as possible by the child and I really did try to let her do most of it. Here are some pictures of her praying mantis. She is so proud of it that she asked me to take a picture of her holding it.


Anonymous said...

GREAT job Kate! I am vey proud of you. Your project looks fantastic!

Suzanne said...

Wow! The praying mantis is fabulous. I can't believe how big Kate is getting. It makes me a little sad to see how much she has changed since we left.

Chanel Palmer said...

Very cute!
I'm glad for Brandon's sake that you are not a praying mantis... although sometimes you probably wish you were!

Christy said...

That is the cutest picture of Kate ever! That is an amazing praying mantis and I am very proud of Kate for choosing such an interesting insect!

Summer said...

Wow, the magic of pipe cleaners/straws/ or whatever that was. So life like. Turned out great!! -Sum

April Perry said...

dear kate
I love your praying mantis.For mine
I made an ant. love gracie

Anonymous said...

how did you guys make that?? is that pipe cleaner?

Anonymous said...

Hello, My daughter has the same project to do and like yours she choose the praying mantis. So, how she can do this, what did you used for that? What was the model? My daughter loves it, so please answer to me

Jackie said...

We used a stick for the body and crayola clay for the head and body. After the clay dried we painted it. You can use anything though like styrofoam for the body and legs and paint it green or brown. Good luck.