What's Matt up to?

Sunday, June 22, 2008

When I went to get Matt up in the morning I found open band-aids all over his room. I guess that after I put him to bed the night before he got out, went in the bathroom found the box of bandaids and opened every single one. I told him that I hope he doesn't get hurt and bleed anytime soon because I wasn't getting him anymore bandaids. So after we ate breakfast I sent him upstairs to get dressed and when he came down I found his leg was covered in Band-aids, I didn't noticed earlier since he was wearing long pants to bed. It was hard not to laugh, I was so mad that he had wasted all the band-aids, but then his leg looked so funny. I didn't want to take a picture because I was afraid it would encourage the behavior, but my friend April gave me a good idea to tell him that I was going to take a picture to help him remember to never do this again. So here it is...

And since I wrote this post a few days ago, here's what else he's done since then. He found my camera and took 60 pictures of himself and the fish tank, here are just a few...


Suzanne said...

I love Matt's personality!

Hugs from mom said...

Another doctor for the family? Maybe his fixation with bandaids is a precurser for more expensive plans? Thats hillarious, I love the picture.

Mandi said...

Oh my! Matt is getting so big. He's not a little boy anymore. I miss them.